Chamber Chats Podcast with Yolanda Johnson of Integrated Roots International®

Shout out to Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce and WPUB/WCAM Radio Station for hosting Integrated Roots International® for Chamber Chats - Podcast 54. It is really true what they say that “No entrepreneur does it alone”. Joining the local chamber of commerce was one of the smartest business moves that we could make because it not only brings value to our company but it also connects us to a community and we have fun while doing it. Our annual membership with the Chamber provides access to: 

  • Local listings in both online and printed business directories

  • Premium discounts and savings 

  • Programs and events that make promoting our business easy

  • Opportunity to support other local businesses

  • Social media exposure

  • Business resources 

Yes it's true, we love sharing our story particularly with our local community. We have a great mission to bring fundamental haircare education to those who need it most through private and commercial distribution. We also have a pretty fun origin story starting with my background of 25 years of stylist experience, over 10 years of natural haircare styling and coaching of over 2500 youth and families with our education - approximately 2000 of those served were students from right here in Kershaw County. 

As I look back I see how far we’ve come and I love how sharing our growth with others. It is however a particularly a privilege when we get to use our story as an example to others. Integrated Roots International® held a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony hosted by the Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce in January 2021 and by 2022 we more than quadrupled our revenue. To date, we’ve seen an increase in our company’s public visibility by 63% and our clientele is up 40%. Now nothing in business is guaranteed but I truly believe that making your business part of a community has an impact on productivity. 


Finding Her Way: How Integrated Roots Founder Climbs Her Way to Business


Membership Turned Partnership: Professional Beauty Association (PBA) features Integrated Roots